10 incredible Free websites that will make you more intelligent!

10 incredible Free websites that will make you more intelligent!Credit Source: Alex Brogan

#1: Information is beautiful

information is beautiful

Information is beautiful distills data, information, and knowledge into beautiful, useful graphics & diagrams.

The site is dedicated to helping you make clearer, more informed decisions about the world.
#2: Kialo


Kialo allows you to see arguments on both sides of any debate in the world.

As Charlie Munger said, “I never let myself hold an opinion on anything that I don't know the other side's argument better than they do.”
Kialo helps you do that.

#3: System


System is a free, open, and living public resource that aims to explain how anything in the world is related to everything else.

It comprises thousands of relationships between hundreds of topics, and counting.

Class Central

Find the best online courses in the world, all in one place.

Class Central aggregates courses from:
• 1000 Universities (Harvard, Stanford, etc.)
• 70 Providers (Coursera, Udemy, etc.)
• 600 Institutions (Google, Amazon, etc.)

Simple Wikipedia

Struggle to make sense of Wikipedia’s explanations? Simple Wikipedia has you covered.

It has simple English words and grammar that’s designed to be understood by everyone - children and non-English speakers included!

Open Culture

Open Culture scours the web for the best high-quality cultural & educational media.

It aggregates the best free courses and audio books, language lessons & educational videos, and plenty of enlightenment in between.

Google Arts & Culture

Ever wanted to visit the White House and understand its history?

What about the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids or the Acropolis?

You can do it all - Virtually - from your living room with Google Arts & Culture.

Visual Capitalist

Visual Capitalist creates data-driven visuals to cut through the clutter and simplify our complex world.

It covers topics including markets, technology, energy, and the global economy.

Spacecadet Ventures Roundup

Spacecadet Ventures Roundup aggregates 60+ trends predictions reports for 2022 from across the web.

It includes trends on the Economy, Social Media, Hardware, Travel, Crypto, Politics, and much more!

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks - it has some of the world’s greatest literature with a focus on older works.

At the end of the day, there’s no better way to learn than by reading.

That’s 10 of the best free learning websites.

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