By setting up a business plan, you are road mapping your way to success. It will help you to develop your business goals and strategies, as well as providing you with a better understanding of the marketplace. It will also highlight any business strengths or weaknesses that you may have, as well as providing you with an opportunity to take a close look at your competitors. If you want, you can also include financial projections, historical data and growth expectations into your business plan.
With any good business plan, it should show who the target audience is, and just how the product or service that is being provided will meet or exceed their needs and expectations.
But what is more important is that once a business plan has been developed, it should not lay in the back of a drawer somewhere. It should be a working plan that you can refer to when you need to.
The best way to make a business plan is to keep it simple (one or two pages should be all you need).
Certainly one of the best things you can do when starting an online business is to create a plan then stick with it.